Summary of Annual Giving

Each year, Environmental Fund of Texas (EFT) contributes to non-profit organizations that share the common goal of preserving and protecting our natural environment. Contributions are made by one of two methods: grants or donations. Total contributions since EFT’s founding are over 1.5 million dollars.


OVER $800,000 AWARDED SINCE 2018


2018 - $137,759

2019 - $150,771

2020 - $136,875

2021 - $154,085

2022 - $24,750

2023 - $92,247

2024 - $187,485

To view a list of Texas organizations who have received EFT grants click HERE.

Grants are allocated based upon a selection process that involves a request from a Texas non-profit organization to fund an environmentally-beneficial project. Grant requests meeting EFT criteria are then reviewed by an Advisory Committee. Grants are made throughout the year and vary between $2,500 and $25,000.


OVER $600,000 DONATED SINCE 2017


2017- $102,000

2018 - $73,000

2019 - $99,000

2020 - $59,300

2021 - $79,000

2022 - $95, 100

2023 - $88,600

2024 - $93,917

To view a list of organizations who have received EFT donations click HERE.

Donations are made to non-profit organizations working to address a wide variety of environmental issues—we mainly focus on groups operating within the U.S. Each organization under consideration is evaluated based on impact, need, and effectiveness. Those selected receive an annual donation, typically in December. Because of the large number of organizations seeking donations, EFT is only able to contribute modestly to each group selected.