Protect natural water sources and watersheds.



  • Native vegetation restoration in freshwater habitats, along riparian corridors, and in our bays and estuaries.

  • Creation of rain gardens and water conservation demonstration sites in visible areas that aim to reduce water consumption, provide habitat for wildlife and native plants, and educate the public on the value of green infrastructure.

  • Landowner engagement focused on protection and sustainable management of groundwater resources.

Example Grantees:

Meadows Center for Water and the Environment - Habitat enhancement in the headwaters of the San Marcos River

Environmental Stewardship - Conserve Colorado River, Bays, and Aquifers

Texas Botanical Gardens and Native American Interpretive Center - Rainwater catchment for native plant demonstration garden

Galveston Bay Foundation - Volunteer oyster gardening and reef monitoring project

Keep Austin Beautiful - Clean Creek Campus Project

Save Our Springs Alliance - Save, Extend, and Expand the Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Project

Student Conservation Association - Sims Bayou Tidal Riparian Buffer Project

Texas Conservation Alliance - Protecting Native Prairies and Water Resources Project

Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance - Technical Assistance Program

Lavaca Bay Foundation - Human activities and the impact on Lavaca Bay

Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association - Landowner Education Program

ImPACT spotlight:

Texas Botanical Gardens and Native American Interpretive Center

Rainwater catchment for native plant demonstration garden

  • Rainwater catchment system installed in a demonstration garden showcasing water conservation methods and beautiful native landscaping.

  • 226 volunteer hours engaged.

  • 1,000 visitor hits on Google Maps.

  • 281 people attending native landscaping classes.

Student Conservation Association

Sims Bayou Tidal Riparian Buffer Project

  • Supported 4 internship positions.

  • Engaged 209 community volunteers.

  • Planted 2,905 native trees & removed 6 acres of invasive species.