Our Vision

We envision healthy lands, waters, native plants and animals supported with vibrant, thriving ecosystems throughout our beautiful state.

We believe great things happen when organizations and funders work together for the highest good. 

We are a donor-advised fund comprised of a fund director, advisory committee, and fund administrator. Established in 2017 by G.P. “Buzz” Avery, in partnership with the Austin Community Foundation, we support nonprofit organizations whose primary mission is preserving natural habitats, especially those that are critically threatened.

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G.P. “Buzz” Avery
Founder and Director

Funding Priorities

We support projects aimed at protecting natural water sources—including rivers, aquifers, springs, estuaries, and wetlands—as well as their supporting watersheds. 

We support the protection, restoration, and stewardship of ecologically functional natural areas.

We support projects which focus on protecting and sustaining native, at-risk wildlife.

We support projects that forge connections with the natural world, increase public action for conservation, and those that build a future generation of environmental stewards.

We support projects undertaken in collaboration with volunteers, community members, and partnering organizations.