Increase public action for the environment.


Examples of Previously Approved Projects:

  • Projects that engage volunteers and communities in on-the-ground action for wildlife and habitats.

  • Projects from schools and classroom teachers to create on-campus native pocket prairies and pollinator gardens.

  • Student field trips to a local natural area to learn about native wildlife/ecology and participate in a stewardship project (e.g. planting trees or habitat restoration).

Example Grantees:

Exploration Green Conservancy - Native Tree Planting and STEM Education at Exploration Green

Texas Conservation Alliance - Engaging Fort Worth and Surrounding Communities in Community Conservation Project

Austin Youth River Watch - Austin Environmental Leaders Program

EcoRise - The Texas Rural Initiative and Texas Collective Impact Project

Families in Nature - Guide Training - The Ecological School Project

Frontera Land Alliance - Nature Discovery Program

Partners in Environment Agriculture and Sustainability - PEAS Ambassadors Volunteer Pilot Program

Save Barton Creek Association - Barton Creek Time Spring Project

Save Our Springs Alliance - Barton Springs University

St. Edward's University Wild Basin - Inclusive and Equitable Nature Experiences at Wild Basin Project

TreeFolks - Translating Urban Forest Education Into Action Project

Save Barton Creek Association - Barton Creek Time Stream Project

Impact SpotlightS:

Texas Conservation Alliance

Texas Conservation Action Team Pineywoods Project

  • Hundreds of community volunteers participated in cleanups and restoration projects in East Texas.

  • Creation of the Butterfly Garden at the Lufkin Urban Garden & Market.

  • Partnering with City of Lufkin, volunteers removed 500 lbs. of litter from Hurricane Creek.

  • Habitat cleanups removed over 1000 lbs. of litter from Lufkin waterways, protecting aquatic life and their habitats.

  • Volunteers and partners planted 14,000 native grasses at Big Thicket National Preserve to help restore Longleaf Pine forests.

Greenspace Dallas

Trinity River Crew

  • 7-week paid conservation work experience for students.

  • Woody encroachment removal, habitat restoration, and native garden maintenance at local nature centers and natural areas.

  • Native plant greenhouse support, propagating and transplanting 200+ native plants.

  • Hands-on environmental inquiry and learning.


Ambassadors Volunteer Program

  • Over 750 volunteer hours dedicated to revitalizing and maintaining school campus “Nature Labs” including native wildflower meadows, rain gardens, and pollinator gardens.

  • Over 175 teachers benefitted through grant.

  • Over 3,000 students reached.

Pine tree seedling plug

Volunteers preparing to plant native grasses