Increase public action for the environment.
Examples of Previously Approved Projects:
Projects that engage volunteers and communities in on-the-ground action for wildlife and habitats.
Projects from schools and classroom teachers to create on-campus native pocket prairies and pollinator gardens.
Student field trips to a local natural area to learn about native wildlife/ecology and participate in a stewardship project (e.g. planting trees or habitat restoration).
Example Grantees:
Exploration Green Conservancy - Native Tree Planting and STEM Education at Exploration Green
Texas Conservation Alliance - Engaging Fort Worth and Surrounding Communities in Community Conservation Project
Austin Youth River Watch - Austin Environmental Leaders Program
EcoRise - The Texas Rural Initiative and Texas Collective Impact Project
Families in Nature - Guide Training - The Ecological School Project
Frontera Land Alliance - Nature Discovery Program
Partners in Environment Agriculture and Sustainability - PEAS Ambassadors Volunteer Pilot Program
Save Barton Creek Association - Barton Creek Time Spring Project
Save Our Springs Alliance - Barton Springs University
St. Edward's University Wild Basin - Inclusive and Equitable Nature Experiences at Wild Basin Project
TreeFolks - Translating Urban Forest Education Into Action Project
Save Barton Creek Association - Barton Creek Time Stream Project
Impact SpotlightS:
Texas Conservation Alliance
Texas Conservation Action Team Pineywoods Project
Hundreds of community volunteers participated in cleanups and restoration projects in East Texas.
Creation of the Butterfly Garden at the Lufkin Urban Garden & Market.
Partnering with City of Lufkin, volunteers removed 500 lbs. of litter from Hurricane Creek.
Habitat cleanups removed over 1000 lbs. of litter from Lufkin waterways, protecting aquatic life and their habitats.
Volunteers and partners planted 14,000 native grasses at Big Thicket National Preserve to help restore Longleaf Pine forests.
Greenspace Dallas
Trinity River Crew
7-week paid conservation work experience for students.
Woody encroachment removal, habitat restoration, and native garden maintenance at local nature centers and natural areas.
Native plant greenhouse support, propagating and transplanting 200+ native plants.
Hands-on environmental inquiry and learning.
Ambassadors Volunteer Program
Over 750 volunteer hours dedicated to revitalizing and maintaining school campus “Nature Labs” including native wildflower meadows, rain gardens, and pollinator gardens.
Over 175 teachers benefitted through grant.
Over 3,000 students reached.
Pine tree seedling plug
Volunteers preparing to plant native grasses