Supporting on-the-ground action…
Conserving wildlife.
A significant number of vulnerable and endangered species occur in Texas. The preservation of native habitats is vital for protecting imperiled native plants and animals. We support projects that focus on protecting, recovering, and sustaining at-risk species and the places they need to survive.
Protecting water sources.
Freshwater systems in Texas are threatened by issues such as overuse and contamination. We support projects that focus on ensuring adequate freshwater flows throughout our state’s rivers, aquifers, and springs, as well as the watersheds that supply them.
Engaging communities.
We support projects that engage local communities in conservation action in focal areas of water, wildlife, and native habitats. Projects are undertaken in collaboration with community volunteers, teachers and students, and partnering organizations.
We support and encourage collaboration between local landowners, government bodies, and the public to work together on a common vision to benefit the environment.
Restoring ecosystems.
Whether it's the prairie lands, the hill country, eastern bottomlands, or the coastal wetlands of Texas—we envision a bright future for all ecosystems. We support projects that aim to restore native landscapes and aquatic systems that support the biodiversity of Texas.